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Academic Families

Services and features:

  • Website development (WordPress) from the clients own design
  • Marketing Automation (SharpSpring) integration
  • Installation of an easy to use editor for complex layouts without coding knowledge
  • Forms
  • Blog
  • Website chat
  • Social media and WeChat integration
  • Google maps
  • Setting up Google Analytics, Search Console, AdWords, and My Business
  • Sales reporting
  • Gallery
  • Website hosting and WordPress and plugin updates

Client Brief:

Academic Families previous site was in need of a complete redesign, and more importantly a marketing restructure. As an education provider to parents wanting to send their child to be educated in the UK, they have multiple audiences, parents, students, host families, schools and agencies. All of these audiences have different requirements and different motivations, making addressing them all a challenge.

In addition there are multiple services, guardianship, placement, and recruiting host families.

The clients own design team did a great job of creating the sites layout which we in turn and developed into a fully responsive website. It was a requirement that all elements of the new site were client editable.

We liaised closely with the marketing team at Academic Families interpreting their requirements and advising on the best ways to present them and ensure there were strong calls to action across the site.

We implemented Marketing Automation for Academic Families in the form of SharpSpring and integrated this into the website during development.

Lorna Clayton

Lorna Clayton

Director and Founder

Testimonial to go here...


  • The new site represents the true values of Academic Families.
  • The design and layout show high levels of professionalism and talk to every type of potential client and partner individually.
  • Enquiries started to come in just days after going live with no marketing work being done.
  • Traffic to the site has increased month on month since launch with huge increases now being seen as the site gets more traction.

Why work with us:

We love building websites but we also understand that a website without traffic, engagement and conversions has little value. We are a business focussed agency with considerable sales and marketing experience. We are not the cheapest, but we are confident we will deliver you an amazing and effective solution to deliver on your goals.

You will speak to the same person throughout the design and development process. We will respond to your emails and calls quickly without using technical jargon, and we are a pleasure to work with regardless of your skills and knowledge in this area. We never try to confuse you and are always happy to answer any questions, but most importantly you will pay what we quoted for your work, and it will be delivered on time.

We can prove how successful our clients have been after working with us so please give us a call on 01333 329882 or email Alan Tomkins at

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