Spelling mistakes can cause huge drops in your web site traffic
Now my spelling is at best average but what’s even worse is my typing. Most mistakes I make are due to keyboard errors, and if we’re publishing directly onto the internet through our content management system, blogging or social media, we often don’t take the time to spell check. Get a free spell check for your site now.
I have a lovely client down in Kent that pointed out a howler on one of my blogs last year. I’d actually said in my text that “spelling mistakes are unforgivable” and yes you guessed it, there were 2 in the article. I created that post on the move on my iPad and this really brought home the importance of double-checking this seemingly simple process.
When I saw an article about this on the BBC web site last year I was intrigued. There seems to be a correlation between spelling and conversion. This should come as no surprise as bogus web site and phishing attacks are often only obvious by their poor grammar and spelling, so it’s natural we would be suspicious. I’m bringing it up now as I’ve just had a situation with a new client where there were 20 spelling mistakes on a 10 page web site which we’ve now rectified.
What can you do to ensure there are no spelling mistakes on your site?
Get in touch with me and I’ll run a free spell check on your web site for up to 250 pages. This will save you hours of time and it’s a genuine offer as no site should have spelling errors.
Just send me (alan.tomkins@alpha-tango.co.uk) your email address and the URL of your web site. I won’t bother you or try to sell to you anything, I’ll just run the report and fire the report back to you. It might take a day or so but it will be done.
See the BBC article here https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-14130854?goback=%2Egde_2419236_member_131404071