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Want to get more traffic to your website?

There is no silver bullet for getting more traffic and qualified visitors to your website, it's just hard graft.

Here's how we go about it. We can do the Technical SEO from £300.


  • We will benchmark where you are currently so we can measure improvements.
  • We carry out detailed keyword research, including long tail, to find out what users are typing in to Google to find your products and/or services.
  • We audit your website.
  • Make sure your site is fast. We will test and offer solutions if your site is slow.
  • Make sure it works perfectly on mobile, we will test this.
  • We create a detailed page list of your website with the SEO fields highlighted.
  • We then go through all your pages ensure each page is optimised for a keyword phrase that we know is generating traffic. Sometimes this is not possible as search levels may be very low.  In this case we use your knowledge to get this right.
  • Will will identify your SEP page tile, your META description, your Heading tags and review your content where required.
  • We will insert schema data if you don't already have this for addresses and other areas like reviews, events, and more.
  • We will thoroughly review your Google Analytics and Google Search Console data. If you don't have these we will set an account up for you.
  • Create more internal links.
  • Start to build an email list. If you already have one start to use it.
  • If you have a My Business page we will review that, if not we will set one up for you.
  • Once we have completed this work we will ask Google and Bing to reindex your website.


  • We will look at successful competitors and analyse what they are doing.
  • We will setup a Google Adwords account and a campaign for your company name so you are always at the top of Google for very little expense.
  • We will review the cost of pay per click advertising on Google and Bing and talk to you about the results.
  • We will create a citations report, this is a list of all the directories online that mention your business. We will then start a monthly campaign to add at least 10 a month until we have all the top directories listing your business.
  • We will solicit reviews and teach you how to do this. On Google, Facebook and perhaps a 3rd party system like Trustpilot or TripAdvisor.
  • Post your great content on LinkedIn.
  • Follow bloggers in your industry and comment on blog posts.
  • Submit your great content to aggregator sites such as Reddit.


  • We will look for websites where we can purchase or negotiate inbound follow links.
  • We will look at the option of creating content that can be added to high authority sites to generate inbound links and traffic.
  • We will help you look at options for case studies. These are often a great way to get published.
  • We can recommend a person to look at PR (Public Relations) options for you.
  • We can recommend an expert in Social Media marketing.
  • You can review the cost of adverting on social media.
  • We can help you create videos and post them after optimising them for search to YouTube and possibly other video channels.
  • Is there an option for Podcasting?
  • You can start guest blogging, we can help you find opportunities.
  • Does your business have an association? Is there an advertising / case study / article opportunity there?
  • If you write great content get the word out to relevant news and industry sources suggesting they link to the content.
  • Interview thought leaders in your industry, great video or podcast opportunities , as well as an article.
  • Are you in a business that can build a community?
  • Can you host webinars?
  • Do you attend conferences? Take lots of cards and talk to lots of people.