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Facebook Privacy Checkup

There are lots of things we do annually, dental check-ups, car servicing, utility price checks and more.  Here’s one more I’d like you to add to your list, check your Facebook privacy settings.

Today there are just under 1.5 billion active users on Facebook, that’s a lot of people to share your information with. Some of those active users are bad people looking to find data about others that they can use for criminal activities.

Here are some really simple privacy checks we should all do now. But as Facebook change their terms and conditions these might change so make a note and do this annually.


Click on the little lock symbol at the upper right hand corner of your Facebook feed. Privacy Check-up should be at the top of the drop down menu, with a little blue dinosaur right next to it.

You now have 3 areas of privacy to tinker with.

POSTS – Manage what you share

Not much to say here other than just select who you want to see your posts. Mine is set to friends only.


At some point you’ve probably added an app to your Facebook account either within Facebook or externally. I was surprised to see several apps in there for my iPad and iPhone that I’ve stopped using some time ago.  Just remove then if they aren’t needed by clicking the “x” on the right.

PROFILE – Don’t be an easy target for the bad guys

Your profile may contain everything a criminal needs to steal your identity or hack into your bank account. Don’t let them see this information, or  remove it from you profile altogether. At minimum block your year of birth.

Click on the ABOUT PAGE button and go through these items carefully.  If you use any of this information for your secret questions or passwords on any accounts take it off Facebook.


A few weeks ago Facebook also launched Security Check-up. This is a really useful tool as it shows you what devices you are logged into with your Facebook account. I was logged in with 4 devices when I thought it was just my iPhone.

As yet this tool is not simple to find, well not in my account anyway.  Log into your Facebook account then go here Then click on the link in the blue box called “Start Security Check-up”.

Other security settings can be changed by using the drop down in the top right of your account window, select SETTINGS > SECURITY. These are worth reviewing to ensure you stay safe.

I hope you found this useful.

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